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Seed Loans

Details of MCL Seed Loans:

Funding Agency: Mahanadi Coalfields Limited CSR Funding


  1. The applicant company must be incubated at FTBI NIT Rourkela, with properly signed incubation agreement.

  2. The company should be incorporated in the Registrar of Companies, under the Company Act 2013.

  3. Must be working on innovative technologies, preferably with high gestation period and potential for social benefits.

  4. The applicant company must submit all pre-requisite documents, audited annual statements and properly detailed business plan. The business plan and presentation must contain the complete idea, with details of previously availed funding (from every source) and projected cash flow for the next 3 years. The company must provide adequate justification for availing the quantum of seed capital advance.


​​Click here to apply: 


Please find attached the PDF of the application proforma. 

The decision for awarding of Loans by FTBI NIT Rourkela is full and final.

Result : 


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Foundation for Technology and Business Incubation (FTBI)

Center for Technology Innovation and Industry Relations (TIIR) Building

NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008, India

Phone: 06612462804|06612462230|0661246231
Fax : 06612472022


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